11) I am a p/t assistant soccer coach. I enjoy it as soon as I am on the field (or gym floor) but not usually excited to fill in. I have yet to have a bad time of it so I sometimes can not understand my reluctance.
12) I am usually a pretty happy person. Not many things or people can get me 'in the dumps'. Although I can think of a few right now easily, I should not make that something about me because these things are few and far between. I love God, love people, love life.
13) I am a crafter. I enjoy card making, colouring, sticking things together and creating stuff. Always have. As a kid, I would take the ashes from the wood stove and create my own soap/ashes/anything I could get my hands on that would mix and make a paste or a goo and form it to dry out. Messy? Yes. Enjoyable? there seemed to be no end. At buffets I, with my siblings, more my brother, would put all the liquids together to make a black, it eventually always went black, drink that we never drank, at least I never did.
14) I have a slight heart murmur. Doctors always comment but are never concerned. Weird.
15) I have never had the chicken pox. Actually, only 2 or 3 spots.
16) I started a new job in March and I love it! Everything about it is terrific. The people, the paper work, the hours. I am the hourly safety representative at the sawmill here in Sundre. It is hard to answer the question of "What do you do?". I do some computer work, a lot of interaction with people, helping out where ever I can, share in the idea-to-work process of safety. Try to keep working safely in the for front of everyone's mind so that every employee gets to go home in one piece without any injuries.
17) We, as family, have hosted international students for five years. It has been good. Some better than others. But each student brought to our lives something good and worthwhile. It has been a good five years.
19) I tend to go with the flow. Moved to Alberta out of college, was only going to spend the summer but never left; took a job in Sundre from an unknown couple while working in Calgary, gave my 2 weeks notice and then I was here; Left an easy, nice job to pump gas because I could no longer feel right about serving the alcoholism in this town; Met and married my husband in less than 10 months; Kind of went from being acquaintances to friends to being engaged. Thought we would skip over the hassle of dating altogether. One of the very best decisions of my life. I can not say it has been easy, what married couple can?, but I can with 100% certainty say it has been worth it.
20) Skittles, I am addicted. I have mastered the temptation, I do not eat them very often but I do love them.
i love learning new little things about you.. like about the fact that you love skittles, and i know how creative you are, but laughed about the mixing of the drinks thing because.. well, just because! and anniken has a heart murmur and avoids things like red bull & competitive swimming! but other than that it hasn't been an issue for her - but something to be aware of. in your earlier post i did think about suggesting that you rule out the possibility of the beginnings of a stomach ulcer.. just to make sure.. just to be safe - and if that is the case you can treat it early. if not, then you have ruled it out. either way i will ask mirjana today what she recommends to soothe this and pass it along. as much as lemon juice seems like the worst possible thing, it is very healing and has been used to treat stomach issues. it is cleansing and healing. fresh lemon juice squeesed with some maple syrup, agave nectar, splenda.. whatever sweetner you prefer (preferably not pure sugar) and fresh purified water - hot or cold depending on your preference and sometimes season! drink as much as you like and it will be cleansing. you can prepare a jar without water and bring to work and simply pour a bit in your cup and add water if you like and drink throughout the day. but i'll still ask mirjana and get back to you. if you like smoothies or fresh juice, grab a piece of ginger at your grocery store and add a tiny bit in the morning - carrot & apple juice with ginger or something like that. settles your stomach as well. xo love you xo