Thursday, May 31, 2012


As I read this over, some might think my words unlike me but no need for alarm I am really trying to be honest and well, do not read too much into these.

Question #2) 3 legitimate fears, hmmm...
Well, one is that I am or will turn out to be a bad parent.  Unfounded or not, I know I do thing and say things that are not what a good, loving parent should do or say.  I do not dwell on this but if I am being honest, I usually know these moments yet still make the wrong decision or action.  Hopefully my boys understand forgiveness so they can apply it to me as I try to apply it to them without strings attached.

I dread it when anyone is upset with me for any reason.  I fear that if someone is not pleased with me then it translates to how they like/love me.  I get the concept of being displeased with someone and still loving them, like my boys, I do not always like what they do or say but I always love them madly:) Somehow my fear(which is irrational) negates this theory when it comes to me... Weird.

Third fear... Acting on thoughts or feelings that are really inappropriate and wrong.  I have a fairly good grasp of the Biblical view of right and wrong, and what is pleasing to God and what is not.  Sometimes I have played out a scenario in my mind and half way through I have to step back and go"Julie, What are you thinking?"  I am hoping some of you understand what I am saying.  It's when a thought that should be a passing one,  decides to stay and voice itself loudly.

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