Question #4 of the 30 questions I am working on.
My 16 year old self would find it difficult to realize she turned into me. Unless you knew me then, most are incapable of believing that I was who I was as a young adult. I am just grateful that God saw fit to rescue me from my stupidity and miraculously I listened to Him!
#1) There will come a day when you are out celebrating with friends and it will be a hot summer night. If anyone mentions going skinny dipping by Oxford crescent, it is not such a great idea, trust me. The police may find you and you may get slightly em-bare-assed, if you know what I mean.
#2) You will recover from the heart ache caused by ( and I would tell my 16 year old self the true identity of this individual, but not the rest of you) Harry, I can't even advise you not to pursue him but it is going to hurt a lot and you will get over him eventually. He taught you a lot about yourself and who you do not want to be so go for it, have fun, he is a good friend.
#3) Pay attention to a certain friend, let's call her Lisa, she will get lost in the future and by then you will not have her as close as you have in the past. Maybe your friendship and pre knowledge of her situation can help her and avoid a tragedy.
#4) Spend a little more time with your mom and dad. Try to be in there shoes once in a while, be more observant of what is going on in their relationship. Love them well.
#5) Get your driver's licence before you are 21!
#6) There are few decisions I truly wish you had not made, even stupid ridiculous one but that one night with so and so, that we could really erase out of the fabric of time please!
#7) Stay in touch with your girlfriends better as you head off to lead lives in different parts of the world. Not the acquaintance girl friends, the ones you went through stuff with.
#8) A few years from now, prepare your family and friends the you might not be back after you head west, it might be easier for them when you do not return.
#9) On your grad night, thank Jason for being such a great friend date, he was the best choice for you for this special event in your life, No bad memories on this occasion.
#10) Love your friends and family and this time of your life. You have it made right now! Enjoy it. Know that your mistakes and triumphs have created me and the person that I am, so I do not want to tell you too much because I love my life, the man I married, the children we have, the family and friends I do life with. The reasons I moved out west all stem from the thing that happen between now and the day I leave.
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