Thursday, May 31, 2012


As I read this over, some might think my words unlike me but no need for alarm I am really trying to be honest and well, do not read too much into these.

Question #2) 3 legitimate fears, hmmm...
Well, one is that I am or will turn out to be a bad parent.  Unfounded or not, I know I do thing and say things that are not what a good, loving parent should do or say.  I do not dwell on this but if I am being honest, I usually know these moments yet still make the wrong decision or action.  Hopefully my boys understand forgiveness so they can apply it to me as I try to apply it to them without strings attached.

I dread it when anyone is upset with me for any reason.  I fear that if someone is not pleased with me then it translates to how they like/love me.  I get the concept of being displeased with someone and still loving them, like my boys, I do not always like what they do or say but I always love them madly:) Somehow my fear(which is irrational) negates this theory when it comes to me... Weird.

Third fear... Acting on thoughts or feelings that are really inappropriate and wrong.  I have a fairly good grasp of the Biblical view of right and wrong, and what is pleasing to God and what is not.  Sometimes I have played out a scenario in my mind and half way through I have to step back and go"Julie, What are you thinking?"  I am hoping some of you understand what I am saying.  It's when a thought that should be a passing one,  decides to stay and voice itself loudly.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Well, what can I say...

#18 will remain blank, Ian knows why and hopefully he is the only one.  Sorry if anyone else had the chance to read it.  I apologize!!

11- 20

11) I am a p/t assistant soccer coach.  I enjoy it as soon as I am on the field (or gym floor) but not usually excited to fill in.  I have yet to have a bad time of it so I sometimes can not understand my reluctance.
12) I am usually a pretty happy person.  Not many things or people can get me 'in the dumps'.  Although I can think of a few right now easily, I should not make that something about me because these things are few and far between.  I love God, love people, love life.
13) I am a crafter.  I enjoy card making, colouring, sticking things together and creating stuff.  Always have.  As a kid, I would take the ashes from the wood stove and create my own soap/ashes/anything I could get my hands on that would mix and make a paste or a goo and form it to dry out.  Messy? Yes. Enjoyable? there seemed to be no end.  At buffets I, with my siblings, more my brother, would put all the liquids together to make a black, it eventually always went black, drink that we never drank, at least I never did.
14) I have a slight heart murmur.  Doctors always comment but are never concerned. Weird.
15) I have never had the chicken pox.  Actually, only 2 or 3 spots.
16) I started a new job in March and I love it!  Everything about it is terrific. The people, the paper work, the hours.  I am the hourly safety representative at the sawmill here in Sundre.  It is hard to answer the question of "What do you do?".  I do some computer work, a lot of interaction with people, helping out where ever I can, share in the idea-to-work process of safety.  Try to keep working safely in the for front of everyone's mind so that every employee gets to go home in one piece without any injuries.
17) We, as family, have hosted international students for five years. It has been good. Some better than others.  But each student brought to our lives something good and worthwhile.  It has been a good five years.
19) I tend to go with the flow.  Moved to Alberta out of college, was only going to spend the summer but never left; took a job in Sundre from an unknown couple while working in Calgary, gave my 2 weeks notice and then I was here; Left an easy, nice job to pump gas because I could no longer feel right about serving the alcoholism in this town; Met and married my husband in less than 10 months; Kind of went from being acquaintances to friends to being engaged.  Thought we would skip over the hassle of dating altogether.  One of the very best decisions of my life.  I can not say it has been easy, what married couple can?, but I can with 100% certainty say it has been worth it.
20) Skittles, I am addicted. I have mastered the temptation, I do not eat them very often but I do love them.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Question 1

20 random things about myself:
1) I am left handed, hence always in my right mind :)
2) I have a tendency to start great ideas and fail miserably at completing them.  It drives me a little crazy, and others more so, but I am wired in some kind of weird way so as to short out every once in a while.
3) To add(help) with my #2, I rarely worry about anything so I tend to let go of the old good ideas and start a fresh with new ones.  So these two things go hand in hand.  If I had to have everything just so, I would not survive. I do not understand some of my friends who think about things a lot in so many different ways and at every different possible angle.  I love these friends very much, just don't understand them:)
4) I enjoying hugging most people, it makes me happy and hopefully them.  Sometimes I can see it makes them uncomfortable but as certain people have come to know me, well, they just buck up and hug me;)
5) I am from the province of Quebec. I do not have a french accent, the reason being I am an english Quebecer.  Funny as that sounds, we do exist, I think maybe a little less now than before though.  I had a friend tell me once I did have an accent. I was kind of surprised and asked her to explain herself. She said, "You know, when you say certain words like 'cul de sac'."  Had a good laugh over that one, still do.  I said to her,"like when I say a french word in french because that is how it is supposed to be said?" And if my friend is reading this, I love this story and you;)
6) I would think most of you reading this would know this about me but maybe not, I am a Christian. I love Jesus. God is my creator and He is the One who never fails me.
7) I should change the title to 10 things... Let's see, this is harder then it seems. I really did not understand what heart burn was until a few weeks ago. I am getting it right now so i figured I would let you all know that I now can honestly say I know what it feels like.  Thought I had felt it while I was pregnant the second time but it was not like this, definitely.
8) When I was a kid I fell through the ice in the pond outside my house. I was waiting for the bus.  My mom hauled me into the house and changed all my clothes and got me out to the bus just in time.  And the funniest thing is that not until this very moment as I typed the previous sentence did I realize I would have done the exact same thing to one of my boys if it had happened to them.  Hmmm, I have always remembered that moment as a "bad parenting" one.  How could my dear sweet mother send me off to school after such a scary event!  Well it is not like I almost drowned. I went through at the edge of the pond where we were always told not to go because the water ran into the pond there and the ice was thin. I do not recall anything else about that day other than I really wanted to stay home from school and I figured I was in luck when I went through the ice to the pond water below.
9) Back to me being from Quebec, that also means my immediate and extended family are all from there as well.  I miss them terribly.  Some days more than others but it's always there.  Every birthday I miss or they miss, Christmases and other great holidays. Special events or just a lazy day when  I would like to just have coffee with my sister or brother or dad. To hold my nieces and nephews so tight that they have to fight to get away from auntie's hugs.  So many people I am missing out on doing everyday life with.  And I guess I just have to get past that and cherish the times I do get to have with my family every year or so. We make our choices.
10) I would not change any of the choices I have made to bring me here to Sundre from the eastern part of Canada. I thoroughly enjoy this path that God led me to. Being here with those I have made my family with in Alberta.  This does not diminish my love for those that do not dwell down the street or a few hours away.  It just makes me thankful for the people I have in my life, be it here or there.

I will have to end here for today. The next ten next time.  :)

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

30 Questions

Saw this on someone else's blog.  I am gonna give it a go. Hopefully I can actually finish the list and as I go I might edit some of the questions.  Who knows what I am capable of,  haha.
And as I write this, I realize that there are many things to done so I will answer the first question the next time I blog.  Think about these questions and you can post comments on this blog or on my face book every time I do a question.


1. List 20 random facts about yourself.
2. Describe 3 legitimate fears you have and explain how they became fears.
3. Describe your relationship with your parents.
4. List 10 things you would tell your 16 year-old self, if you could.
5. What are the 5 things that make you most happy right now?
6. What is the hardest thing you have ever experienced?
7. What is your dream job, and why?
8. What are 5 passions you have?
9. List 10 people who have influenced you and describe how.
10. Describe your most embarrasing moment.
11. Describe 10 pet peeves you have.
12. Describe a typical day in your current life.
13. Describe 5 weaknesses you have.
14. Describe 5 strengths you have.
15. If you were an animal, what would you be and why?
16. What are your 5 greatest accomplishments?
17. What is the thing you most wish you were great at?
18. What has been the most difficult thing you have had to forgive?
19. If you could live anywhere, where would it be and why?
20. Describe 3 significant memories from your childhood.
21. If you could have one superpower, what would it be and what would you do with it first?
22. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? 10 years? 15 years?
23. List your top 5 hobbies and why you love them.
24. Describe your family dynamic of your childhood vs. your family dynamic now.
25. If you could have dinner with anyone in history, who would it be and what would you eat?
26. What popular notion do you think the world has most wrong?
27. What is your favorite part of your body and why?
28. What is your love language?
29. What do you think people misundertand most about you?
30. List 10 things you would hope to be remembered for.

Monday, May 21, 2012

May Long

It has been a good weekend.  Great and most wonderful friends came to visit us on Saturday.  They should be a little ways from home right now. Getting a good night's sleep before the last few hours home. Thx so much for coming, love you guys!!
Sunday flew by and it is already Monday night. The Neighbors are such good company and terrific friends. Even caught a glimpse of an adult Wierenga!  That's something I don't see very much. Great food too.  MERCI!
Got to chat with my sister this weekend. Miss you!
I am kind of excited about tomorrow, taking the company car to Calgary for a course.  Neat.
Well off to bed for some zzzzz.  night world.  jy

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Busy Anyone?

I now know what the word means.  I thought I understood the word 'busy' but I guess up until now I was really not busy just moving and getting things done whenever.  Busy is not a bad thing, it just has to be an enjoyable-still-able-to-get-everything-done,-and-say-no-to-many-things,-in-a-reasonable-time busy.  Working on it.  Still overly happy with my work.  Just had a three day course on leadership and safety in the workplace.  Great teacher and I enjoyed the material. I am quite sure many found it a little dry but not me!!  Going through a few hiccups right now but I am trusting in the One who can and will work them all out.  Merci, mon Dieu!
Having some great friends coming for a visit this weekend.  Looking forward to their visit.  First time seeing their little cutie, Lincoln.  YA!
Also anticipating different things that are in the immediate future with work and family.  till next update, jy

Monday, May 7, 2012

safety, safety, safety

So it is safety week at work and wow,  I will be more prepared next year!  Lacey said grown men would not want to play hide and seek and games... boy was she wrong:)  Her hubby was leading the pack.  I received good comments about the new 'hide and seek' safety week feature.  Let's hope this enthusiasm carries on through till the end of the week!
Two more months of school for the kidlets. Caleb had a dentist appointment tonight.  Neither of them have had supper, it is shepherd's pie.  Who doesn't like that comfort food?  oh well, they will be hungry in the AM.  Till next time.  jy

Thursday, May 3, 2012

short update

Have't written a whole lot lately, not because there is nothing going on, cause there always is.  Let's see, my two boys are loving soccer.  Troy is the assistant coach for Caleb's team and I am the stand in for Joshua's when his assistant coach is policing the streets.  I really do like coaching, it makes the time go by real fast.  My boys, the three of them, have been hired to set up and take down the nets, balls, and cones.  I had my doubts, practically begged Troy not to do it but it is going okay.
Busy week ahead with the Safety BBQ and safety week.  I think I want it to be over already so I can try again for next year.  I guess we will see what happens.
I am so looking forward to seeing my sister and sweet Carter.  That will be so great!!
I thank God for my life!