Saturday, June 23, 2012

3 Significant Childhood Memories

The "D" tree.  What a great place that was to hang out with my siblings and cousins. We fished the creek, caught crawfish and smelts and whatever else moved.  Might not have all happened in this particular destination but my memory has jumbled them all together.  Time with my sibling and cousins when we lived across the street from each other, that was a childhood! We did so much and slept at each other's houses and so on and so forth.  I think back and can only really remember such great fun and joy.
I guess when I think of childhood I think of pre-teen so I can not really include the abandoned house we hung out in that was close to where my cousins lived.  But I think it deserves an honourable mention along with the friends that knew about it and enjoyed time with us there as well.  No need for names, I know and love who you are:)

When we moved from that house to St. Adolphe de Dudswell, it seemed like my playmates were gone!  Not so, we still saw each other lots and this new place had a great brook that had swimming holes and a place we lovingly called the falls.  You know how things are so much bigger as a kid then as an adult, I would like to think that these falls are still just as wonderful and big as I remember but chances are my kid eyes and kid stature made them bigger in my memory than their true size.  oh well, the falls and that brook are definitely one of those most terrific memories.

There are many memories and I can think of, many I would like to write about but I really want to mention the time when I was in high school, which in my high school that was grade 7 to grade 11. (we called them level 1 to level 5).  I know it is not a pre-teen memory but it is a memory of when I would still consider myself to have been a child, not really getting into adult stuff.
So I made new friends in high school, the english high school was a compilation of all the smaller english elementary schools in the area.  I made friends with a most wonderful girl named Kim.  The first or second summer she invited me to stay with her at her Grandma's cottage for part of the summer. My parents let me go and it was an excellent time.  The one thing I remember best about that trip was getting my hair cut and sending the hair locks through the mail back to my mom and dad!  My hair was pretty long and I think we cut it pretty short.  My parents were pretty easy going so it was funny!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Not an answer.

This entry is not an answer to a question.
It is just me writing about whatever.  I enjoy my work days so much. Some think I am crazy but oh well. Walked in with a co-worker yesterday and he sarcastically said, "just another fun filled day hey Julie?" and I agreed, non sarcastically.  It was kind of funny.  Chatted in french at work about work with one of my co-workers who is from New Brunswick, he is french though. Was kind of neat.
What did I do this week, hmmm.  I spent some time with my Sherry, which always makes me happy. We talked about some serious things for just  a few minutes. Things I needed to express to her so  I could see a clearer picture of a situation. She is always so awesome.  I saw my Shannon on Sunday night and my Rachael on Monday evening for a run/walk of snake hill.  It has been a good couple of days.

Just came back from my nightly jog/walk of snake hill.  Getting to be able to run for longer, not necessarily faster.  Which is fine with me:)  I am thinking that this is a pretty sweet pastime since I am actually enjoying it and it is good for me and it gives me an hour of time to myself to think, to listen to music to just be me.  The me I can be honest with on all things that I might want to tell myself one thing but really it is not that way at all.  You know, to get it all out there to yourself while you are listening.  Boy that doesn't sound too coherent.  Might have to edit...But I won't.  I guess I should go to bed.  The mornings are still showing up way too early.  And you know that it is early if I think it is early!  3 o'clock is pretty close to the middle of the the night, should not be awake this late or up this early.  SO what is going on?  I need to go some zzzzz's so I am going to bed now, 10:30 is somewhat early but  I am beat.  Until next time.  jy

Saturday, June 16, 2012


If I could live anywhere, where would that be and why?
Honestly, really, right here and now.  This is where I am designed to be.  As much as I long for my family and friends in other places, I can not think of any where else I would like to call home right now than here.  The future holds many things for me, and I can not say where it might take me, but as for now, I long to be no where else but here in little Sundre, Alberta.  I do not want to be anywhere that God has not lead me to.  And I am 110% positive that Sundre is my space.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Not a Question

Just wanted to write.  I had an excellent day.  I think the people that are in my life are simply fabulous and I wanted to let you all know that.  It is the people I work with, the girls I share my life with, the family near and far that I hold dear to my heart and thoughts.
What a great evening spent with friends.  I was asked today what I did for entertainment and as I was trying to give the answer I realized I spend a lot of time with people.  Not necessarily doing anything particular, just enjoying the company I keep. Thank you my girls, thank you.  It was a most terrific ending to a very delightful day!!

Thursday, June 14, 2012


The most difficult thing I have had to forgive.
How do you describe that without dragging the forgiven person through the mud? SO I will write one of my very best friend's favourite saying:

Unforgiveness is like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die.

I drank a lot of poison before I truly forgave this person.  But I did not like who I was becoming, I was dying. So, I quit drinking the poison and started taking the antidote, forgiveness.  Sometimes it takes a bit for the counter action to occur but it did.  I guess it just depends on how much you have let the poison enter your heart.  :-)

Question #16, my 5 greatest accomplishments

I think I should be aloud a skip question and this might be it.  Although I am a little nervous to answer # 27 due to the fact I should be honest but might not be...  Think, Think, Think...Okay, I do not know about which is the greatest but here are 5 things I think of when I hear the word accomplishment:

`1` My boys, Caleb and Joshua. I can be a patient person.  I can tolerate lack of sleep. I can do with some noise.  I am capable of handling many things thrown my way.  But the simple fact that these two were not thrown out a window at some point before they turned 1 year old is an accomplishment for me.  I remember there were nights, always between 3-5am, just before the light of a new day, I had thoughts.  Not so good thoughts.  That is when I knew it was time to put that baby as far away from me as possible and just let him cry his eyes out regardless if Troy woke up or not.  These nights were extremely rare but I did consider dropping Caleb off the back porch when we lived in the little house.  And Joshua, well, the bad nights with him were slightly more often, go figure.  Joshua would have been dropped off the back or the front deck of the duplex we lived in then.  Either way I knew I couldn't really do that so I either cried with them or put them down in a safe spot and just left to another room for a breath and some quiet.  Troy rescued his boys a few nights, taking them for a car ride for a few hours so I could get a few hours sleep before they nursed again. Breast feeding had many up sides but the fact that they only breast fed and took no bottles was also to my detriment. My boys were not hard babies by any stretch of the imagination, no colic, nothing like that.  There were just 'those' nights.

`2` Sticking to the plan and not moving back to Quebec in the first 3 years I was out in Alberta.  I got pretty homesick, not that you could tell but there were those days, and weeks...
I knew in my heart this is where I was supposed to be so I stayed.

`3` My family.  I love my family.  As the boys grow there is so much more to do together and having the weekend off now!  It is so good.

`4` My friends.  I love my friends.  I work at those relationships because they mean so much more to me than things or stuff.

`5` Blank, I really want to move on from this question so that's all. 


The thing I wish I was most great at. It is not over the top or really exciting, but as long as I can remember I have always wanted to be able to sing.  I can not sing well you see.  I love to sing loud and long but try to mostly do it while others are not around.  I have always longed to belt out a song like Celine Dion.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012


If you were an animal, what would you be and why?

When I was a kid, I was on the school bus for a long stretch of time before and after school.  And people, let's face it, I am a dreamer.  So I had a magical stallion that could run as fast as the bus and leap over any terrain.  He was the most magnificent animal. He helped pass the time as I watched him run along side and throw his mane back and look at every obstacle and know he was its conqueror.  I would like to think all stallions are like my imaginary horse.  I never gave him a name because he was a wild horse like the Black Stallion.
I loved horses then and I love them still.  Such a strong and graceful creature yet he lets humans ride him because he is gentle and humble.  Great power with a beautiful character. That is why I would desire to be a horse.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Weaknesses and Strengths

This one is 2 questions, what are 5 of my weaknesses and what are 5 of my strengths.
a) I think one of my greatest weaknesses is that I can be easily distracted and completely fine about not finishing what I was doing.  I start out with all the will power needed but it seems to dissipate quite quickly as time passes. I know this about myself and I try hard to stay committed to the needed things and to let go or not even bother starting some other not so important things.
b) I can be forgetful.  That is why I tell the guys at work, if you do not see me writing down what you are saying, it will most likely get forgotten.  Make certain I have written it down. I consistently write stuff down at work because there are many things I have to remember to do and talk to others about. If only I could be so diligent at home.  Just a couple of days ago I went to the store to get Troy some pop and at the store I texted him to ask what kind. By the time I reached for the pop I had automatically picked what I originally thought he would like, not what he texted me.oops! Story of my life:)
c) I tend to avoid conflict to a fault.  I am much better now, especially in this position at work I can say no much easier than when I began. But I avoid talking about things that might upset the balance of life at home or at work.  I keep convincing myself that it is healthy to talk things through, even uncomfortable things but it doesn't help. I would much rather hid under a rock and wait for the storm to pass then have to deal with my issues.  Unfortunately for me, it does not solve my problems it just puts them off to another time and usually it is worse:(
d) I really dislike cleaning. I mean I am almost sure that people can not enjoy cleaning but I know people who make me think they might... and I think of them like I think of that guy in the movie with Julia Roberts called 'Sleeping with the Enemy'.  I have a list a mile long of other things that need to be done like watch a movie, hang out with friends, bake(which I have found just makes more of a mess cause I am a messy baker:), read a book, go for a walk, and a million other things that are essential to my well-being.
e)There is one recent weakness in my life that I can not share with you all. So I am leaving this one with this word from the book Of Micah, chapter 7.  "Do not rejoice over me, my enemy; When I fall, I will arise; When I sit in darkness, the Lord will be a light to me."

1) My strengths, hmmm, not everyone would agree that this is one of my strengths but I think it is.  My love of people. I think people are just fantastic. I guess I should rephrase and say 'I think most people are just fantastic'. There have been some that I really do not care for but they are few and far between. I like my alone time occasionally, but for the most part, put me in with friends or strangers and I will find my way into their lives.  I guess, if I was being honest, I can get a tad bit carried away when it comes to caring for some people. Not that they would realize it.
2) I do not worry. I do not put much thought into all the bad things that could go wrong with a situation.  I like to live in the moment.  I think weakness item "b" above might play into my ability to easily flow trough life without much to worry about because I do not remember what I should be worrying about to begin with:) When I do occasionally stress about something I get physically sick. Weird.
3) I easily forgive when asked to forgive from a sincere heart.  I am all about second chances.  I have had my fair share of many second chances over the same things and I always find that if I forgive, I am the benefactor of that decision.  As forgiving as I am though, I find it much harder to forgive someone who justifies the hurt they cause instead of saying 'I am sorry'.  That I am working on and it is not easy.
4) I am a morning person.  This is definitely a strength for me.  I am not saying being a night person is a weakness, it just doesn't work for me.  I love being able to be up at the crack of dawn watching the sun rise.  Morning is my productive time and it suits my life well.  Especially now when 5am is Monday through Friday without the option of added sleep.  I would get up at this time occasionally but I did not HAVE to get up. Now it is a must but I am quite delighted to go to work.
5) Man, I have been working on this entry for a while... last one, hmmmmm. Should have change the questions to 4 and 4 not 5 of each!  Why don't you comment on my Facebook and let me know what my fifth strength is.  Good IDEA!  Done.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Typical Day

Well, it is the halfway point of this question adventure and I have lost the interest and drive I had at the beginning. No surprise there.  But I have made a promise to myself to see every question answered as honestly as  I can and just omit what I do not want to share to the world.  So here goes:

A typical work day is not very typical.  I have a very divers job and the items I do vary a lot from day to day but let me try to sum it up, not necessarily in any order of sequence.
I am usually up and out of bed by 5-5:10am.
Get dressed for work and get out the door by 5:30-5:35am.
Work starts at 6am but I am usually able to get the coffee on and have my cup full before then.
From that point everything is not in sequence.
I check the dry valve system at work. Take note of the air and water pressure. For those that do not know what I am talking about is the sprinkler system, and fire protection.
I talk to many different people throughout the day.  I see and talk to all the new employees on a regular basis, observing them, asking them questions about things their supervisors should be teaching them. I get to spend a lot of my time with the 'big wigs' on site like superintendents and supervisors as well as the general manager.  I knew most of these people already but not like this.  They are an interesting group that I enjoy very much! :) I fill out some paperwork, do presentations, I have attended many different courses having to do with safety and leadership, and I take tours of the site looking for unsafe things, actions and behaviours.

My days are never boring and I am always busy, but if you saw me at the end of the day and asked me what I did today, I sometimes would be unable to give you a quantifiable answer.  That's okay,  I am not task orientated.

I leave work around 3:30-4, make supper for my family and then I usually have something booked for the evening.  Staying home is definitely not my forté.  It can be a detriment to my relationships at home with my family sometimes though. I am aware of this and I try to stay home a little more these days.  I love my boys(Troy included) but they are not real talkative.  My girlfriends are chatty and we interact socially a whole lot more then my family and I do.

And the end of the day(which ranges anywhere between reasonable and way too late) has to come so I can do it all over again the next day.

Friday, June 8, 2012

10 Pet Peeves

1^=^1 Little 'know it all' boys that continue to argue with their mother even though they know they should just be quiet and do as they are told! Ahhh.  Good thing he is cute or he would not survive his childhood.  Wonder if this how my mother felt about me somedays?  He has been sent to his room, where were we?

2^=^2 Being lied to. I guess this one is more than just a pet peeve. I like to think of myself as someone who likes to speak the truth all the time but I have, lately, found I am lying to myself about something and I do not want to hear the truth.  I am annoying myself.  Go figure.  lol

3^=^3 Others eating the dough from cookies or cakes or anything I am baking before it is cooked! Not that this post will deter anyone but I truly hate it!

4^=^4 Being late.  I try to be places and to appointments early.  I really do not like being late.

5^=^5 Not being able to be a morning person and a night person in the same 24 hour period.  Actually, not true. I can. It's just the morning personality suffers some:) Gone are the days that I stayed up all night on Wellington street with ... you know who you are, and head to work as the sun was coming up.  Thanks for those memories;)

6^=^6 Not having anyone here to share in those memories.

7^=^7 Parents that can't grow up.

8^=^8 I do not know if this would be considered a pet peeve but I dislike long periods of silences.  I like conversation and laughter.

9^=^9 I am annoyed at this list cause I can't think of a whole lot more to say.

10^=^10 I do not like being left out.

My Most Embarrassing Moment...

I will not lie, I have my fair share.  Some are hilariously funny, others not so much.  But I think I will refrain from going into details about any of them.  Just go look at #1 of the Post "10 Things I Would Tell My 16 Year Old Self"and you can chuckle about that :)

...continued from previous

* A woman named Elizabeth Elliot through a book called, "In the Shadow of the Almighty".

* Adrian Rogers, even if you are gone you are still speaking to me:)

* * You know those people you meet and you do life with for only a short while and realize this is everything  I do not want to be.  I have 2 in particular that I think influenced me not to make the same choices as them.  Thank you for making those wrong choices so  I can learn from your idiocy instead of my own.

Who Has Influenced Me?

10 people who have influenced me...
* There are many people that have changed my life, steered me in the right and wrong directions. Let's see, I would have to say a guy named Russ Hopkins was a big influence in my life.  He steered me in the right direction after a slightly wilder me was in control.  He knew what I needed to hear, not really what I wanted to hear though. Thank you Russ for putting so much time into my growing up phase.  I love you very much!

* These are in no particular order.  Oh sweet cousin Chuck.  You were not a huge influence but I would like to say you did influence me. You did help me in making the choice to pick up smoking (not for many years now)and other things came of that too but I do not regret ever spending a moment with you!   We had some very good times with some very good friends.  I love you and can not wait to see you soon in July when Jenn comes up.  You've married a great gal and you have a beautiful and smart daughter.

* If you have an older sister then she influenced you.  Jenn really opened my eyes to many things that she had or was experiencing as the first and oldest sibling.  Looking back, she always gave too much information in details I should not have known:) But she informed me on many useful activities and brought me along on some of her different adventures.  She still influences me to this day but for the better.

* My mother was a terrific influence on my life, from the day I was born until even now.  I hear her words that were full of wisdom and experience echo in my mind.  Her actions influenced me more than her words though.  She was a very giving and selfless woman. Almost to a fault, but she never got bitter or resentful, she just kept giving.  I can even hear my self saying my name in her irritated sweet french voice when I would do something stupid. Mama! I would say back... oh the great memories :)

* Who else, I would like to give my aunt an honourable mention.  Her love of horses influenced me to adore those creatures and have some very interesting yet sometimes harmful experiences riding them.  I think Jane taught me that life doesn't end when things do not go as they are supposed to.  Divorce and all that baggage that goes with it can be overcome and life can be good again.  I am still amazed at her strength of character to up and move out here and start a fresh. If she had not, I might not have ventured out here by myself...Thank you for being so brave, Jane! I do not see her much but I do think of her often and how her choices changed the direction of her life, and my life went too.

* There was a boy and his family... we were friends,  I would not have considered his family to add to this list but I was just talking about his tragedy on Wednesday and I think their influence was great in my life.  This boy was a 14 or 15 when he was hit by a truck a few blocks from his house.  He died.  As a kid of the same age, death was for me something that did not happen to us or our friends.  We were too young, too invincible to be tamed by such an enemy!  I went to the funeral, gave my condolence to the parents. The way the entire service went really made me question these people.  Sad, yes.  Upset, yes. Would miss him terribly, yes.  But the hopelessness and devastation was absent.  The family loved God and knew that their precious child was home with his heavenly father.   I thought they were cold and heartless.  I did not understand a faith that would not allow you to mourn for your children the way I thought you should.  I did not become a Christian for many years after that day but I honestly believe that this was a seed planted in my heart to try and understand the hope these parents still had.  To wonder if it was at all possible to have God truly be who He said He was.  That one could actually be comforted by the Spirit of God in such dire circumstances.  I never want to find out. But I know God would be there just as he was for this boy's parents.

Well that is 6.  4 more on the next post.   :)

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

5 Passions

Question #8 - 5 things I am passionate about?

  1. I am passionate about my relationship with Christ. As foreign as that may sound to some of you, it is the centre of who I am and how I act and what I say.  When I am walking with Him, I am who I was created to be.  There is no longing to be anyone else or desires to have what is not mine. I am satisfied and content in all circumstances.  I am not like this 24/7 but every day it is easier and more natural, like breathing, to be this person.
  2. I am passionate about people. I enjoy the people placed in my life.  I would rather spend time with you than have you buy me an expensive gift.  I like being in the company of those I know and in the company of those I am getting to know. 
  3. I am passionate about my family.  I know this is pretty much the same as #2 but family just takes on a different flavour and atmosphere.  My immediate and extended family on all sides.
  4. It seems wrong to lump anything else with these so  I will say that I love crafty things and making stuff and stamping and painting and anything of the sort.  The one place I can just let go and do whatever I decide to create.  The decisions are all mine and I am good at it.   I love that.
  5. Lastly, ... I guess I would say #5 is: I love making others happy. I am a peace maker and keeper. Sometimes to my detriment.  No is a word I must consciously speak or else I lose my focus and get too many things on the go.  I think others know this about me and take advantage of it sometimes.  I am learning that the word 'No' is my friend and I can use it with out making others dislike me or get upset with me.  It is healthy to say 'no' when you just can not say 'yes'. 

What is My Dream Job and Why?

I do not care so much about somethings that are unattainable.  I have a few unattainable things I would like to experience but they are not about a dream job.  The job I currently have was tailored especially for me, I think.  I enjoy so many things about it. I look forward to going to work every day and talking with new employees about safety and other things.  I like being at the computer, my love of paper is also at use as I print off many things that I have typed up or edited and so on.  I get to play with stickers and such.  I enjoy the freedom and respect the responsibility placed on me by so many people to hear their requests and change things for the better as much as I can.  I am in the job I love:)

Monday, June 4, 2012

The hardest thing...

Question #.. I do not know, but it is the next one  :
I am 34 years old.  I think I have yet to experience the hardest thing I will ever go through. I can speculate as to what it might be. I am not a cynical person, I try to see the glass half full, even when it seems quite empty. I am not looking forward or worrying about the future trials, I simply know there will be some.  I are not promised a trouble free existence, no one is, but I am promised to never be alone in it. Thank God :)
As for right now I would say that being the brand new mother of my first baby boy, losing my mother and almost losing my husband, then to not know for weeks if he would ever be the same again, all in three months time, I would say that was the hardest thing as of yet. I did not feel abandoned or hopeless. Despair can only grab hold if there is a place to land.  I like to think of those landing spots being filled with my close family(includes that crazy Younglove side), my friends(that are really family too), and a personal Holy God who fits Himself everywhere else on the landing strip that can not be filled with the people in my life.  He takes up the most room, of course, but sometimes He is easier to forget about. He brought me through that time of heart ache and uncertainty. I think some of the nurses might even have thought me unnaturally unfeeling towards my husband's condition.  I questioned it myself, why is there not more panic or fear? I was comforted with His answers.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

5 Things that make me the most happy right now.

1 - Anticipating the arrival of my older sister and my sweet nephew!!!
2 - Honestly, going to work and spending my day with people instead of sawdust. :)
3 - Spending the weekends with my family.
4 - Going on short work road trips, company vehicle and all.
5 - Seeing my neglected friends when I can, sorry girls.

10 Things I Would Tell My 16 Year Old Self

Question #4 of the 30 questions I am working on.
My 16 year old self would find it difficult to realize she turned into me.  Unless you knew me then, most are incapable of believing that I was who I was as a young adult.  I am just grateful that God saw fit to rescue me from my stupidity and miraculously I listened to Him!
#1) There will come a day when you are out celebrating with friends and it will be a hot summer night. If anyone mentions going skinny dipping by Oxford crescent, it is not such a great idea, trust me.  The police may find you and you may get slightly em-bare-assed, if you know what I mean.
#2) You will recover from the heart ache caused by ( and I would tell my 16 year old self the true identity of this individual, but not the rest of you) Harry, I can't even advise you not to pursue him but it is going to hurt a lot and you will get over him eventually.  He taught you a lot about yourself and who you do not want to be so go for it, have fun, he is a good friend.
#3) Pay attention to a certain friend, let's call her Lisa, she will get lost in the future and by then you will not have her as close as you have in the past.  Maybe your friendship and pre knowledge of her situation can help her and avoid a tragedy.
#4) Spend a little more time with your mom and dad.  Try to be in there shoes once in a while, be more observant of what is going on in their relationship.  Love them well.
#5) Get your driver's licence before you are 21!
#6) There are few decisions I truly wish you had not made, even stupid ridiculous one but that one night with so and so, that we could really erase out of the fabric of time please!
#7) Stay in touch with your girlfriends better as you head off to lead lives in different parts of the world.  Not the acquaintance girl friends, the ones you went through stuff with.
#8) A few years from now, prepare your family and friends the you might not be back after you head west, it might be easier for them when you do not return.
#9) On your grad night, thank Jason for being such a great friend date, he was the best choice for you for this special event in your life, No bad memories on this occasion.
#10) Love your friends and family and this time of your life.  You have it made right now! Enjoy it.  Know that your mistakes and triumphs have created me and the person that I am, so I do not want to tell you too much because I love my life, the man I married, the children we have, the family and friends I do life with.  The reasons I moved out west all stem from the thing that happen between now and the day I leave.

Friday, June 1, 2012


Question #3) Describe your relationship with your parents.

Well, as old as Caleb is, that is how long my mother has since passed away. She got to hold him and love on him when he was only 2-4 weeks old, I got to see her and love on her while she was with us in that time.  I am blessed to have had that time with her. Then that was it, one minute things were fine then she went home and I can only wait to hug her in heaven.  I could write this blog for years and never finish talking about my relationship with my mother, the kind of woman she was and the changes I saw in her then and what I am still learning from her now as a parent myself looking back on my childhood.
She was an accommodating parent, she liked conflict about as much as me.  She aimed to please, probably some of the same fears as me. She was an overly generous soul in all she put her hand to, especially her children.  We, of course, do not have the wisdom to appreciate it when it is bestowed on us with such love and grace.  If I could say two words to her now, only 2 words, it would be 'thank you' with a grateful heart! Only later in life do we truly appreciate the sacrifices our parents made when we were children. I loved my mom very much and with certainty know that I will see her again. Love you!
As for my Dad, we have a special relationship. I know I hold a special place in his heart and I have come to see it as the distance that separates us is really why I am special to him.  Chris and Jenn have him anytime they want. If he wants to see his kids or their kids, he can.  He has access to them because they are physically closer than I am.  If I got to see him every week, he could surrender that specialness of me. Like the story of the prodigal son, when he returns to his father, the father throws a feast in honour of his lost son's return and the brother gets upset that his dad had never thrown a party for him and he never left. The father explains that the brother always had the father, always had access to all of his wealth and were he only to ask a party would have been thrown. But the returning son was lost, presumed dead to the family and now he had returned.  Obviously do not read more into this parable then what I intend in that I only see him maybe once a year, once every two years.  He doesn't 'love' me more than my siblings, as much as we say it is so, it is not. I am missing most of the time so it is always the 'party mode' when I am with him.  I enjoy my dad's company very much, probably more than my siblings because of the same reason I am special, he is special and every second I see him I want to make those rare beautiful seconds count.  I should learn to live my relationship with everyone this way, make every second count!