Sunday, July 8, 2012

Not an Answered Question

Can you tell it is getting to the end of the questions? I am not as excited at these last few questions as I was in the first ones. I am taking a break from answering.
My big sister will be here tomorrow night in Calgary. She will visit with sweet Tara then we will meet in the am on Thursday. So looking forward to this visit. Carter is coming with her. Ya! Only 4 more sleeps!
I know the days will just fly by. I will savor every second. Jenn's not gonna get much sleep:) hopefully she and Tara can recover from their kidless day and night cause I am putting them on a roller coaster on Thursday:) I should rephrase and say the boys will put them on the roller coaster. well, it is bed time for me. Off to work in the AM.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Super Power!

If I could have one super power, what would it be and what would I do first?  Only one...  I really need to think.
So I have thought of it and I think I would like to know what people are really thinking and feeling. Like Professor X.  It sure would be handy these days, come to think of it.
Actually it could be quite detrimental to a lot of my relationships... hmmm maybe not that super power.  Darn, back to the drawing board.
Still haven't really given up on the reading people's minds super power, I have given it some time(weeks since I started this entry) but knowing what other people are thinking and feeling would be the power I would like with the added feature of being able to turn it on and off at any given time. Sticking with my original super power...  :)